
Bio2E Facility

The Bio2E (Biotechnology and Environmental Biorefinery) facility is the LBE's technology development and industrial transfer infrastructure.

Bio2E develops solutions for the treatment and recovery of biomass and residues from urban, agricultural and agro-industrial sources. Matter and energy are transformed using integrated bioprocesses (anaerobic digestion, biomethanation, bio-hydrogen, microalgae) and physico-chemical processes (pre- and post-treatment) to minimise the environmental impact of the processes.

Services: Services from laboratory scale to industrial installation: collaborative R&I, laboratory services, feasibility studies, training, expertise and company hosting.

Main equipments: bioreactors (anaerobic digestion, fermentation, composting), physico-chemical processes (pre- and post-treatment), characterisation of organic matter, BSL2 laboratory, on-site mobile equipment, environmental biorefinery information system, etc.

Logo BIO2E

Practical informations